Connect the ClearStream TV tuner adapter to your HDTV antenna and plug in the power adapter.2. Download the FREE companion app to your Android smartphone, tablet, or streaming media player.3. Follow the on-screen Founded in 2011, Clearstream.TV is a fast growing, venture-backed, entrepreneurial organization with a rapidly expanding team with offices in Chicago, New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles. This is an exciting opportunity to 1980/01/15 ClearStream TV allows you to place your TV antenna in the ideal location in your home for receiving over-the-air TV signals, indoors or in your attic. Then, watch TV through the free ClearStream TV app on your smartphone and Record live TV and take it on-the-go, no internet required to watch recorded shows. You will need a ClearStream TV Wireless HDTV Tuner Adapter, an HDTV antenna and your home WiFi network (sold separately). Easy to use. -Use ClearStream TV on your TV and on your WiFi device at the same time using a signal splitter (contact Antennas Direct for more information) Minimum OS requirements: Android 4.2 or later
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Clearstream.TV, Inc. mitigates the risks of video advertising by providing standardization with evaluation, auditing and reporting of video environments, including premium in-stream, in-banner, in-game, auto-play, and below-fold
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